Congress needs to pass legislation that dramatically reduces greenhouse gas pollution, hastens our transition to the clean energy economy of the future, and creates millions of green jobs. But special interest lobbyists from polluting industries have hijacked the bill currently moving through the U.S. House.
In its current form, the Waxman-Markey bill would actually be a step backwards in the fight for a clean energy future.
We believe that the Waxman-Markey bill should make sure we're reducing the amount of pollution required to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change. We believe that the EPA's power must be protected--we must make sure the EPA has the power to act.
Things You Can Do
See our ads. Read our media release. Watch our videos on the bill, including Rep. Lloyd Doggett's statement. Share this page on Facebook.
In the News
The Nation: Friends of the Earth Score Energy Bill as "Step Backward"
Enviroknow: ACES is Not a Victory for the Environmental Movement
SolveClimate: Friends of the Earth Goes it Alone: Urges 'No' on Climate Bill
MSNBC: Controversial Deals Made to Move Climate Bill
Waxman-Markey Outreach
- Our fact sheet on the Waxman-Markey bill (pdf)
- Our letters of support for Rep DeFazio's Safe Markets amendment (pdf) and Rep Kucinich's No Offsets amendment (pdf).
- Please read our joint letter to the Progressive Caucus (pdf) and our joint letter to the Congressional Black Caucus (pdf). Both letters alert the caucuses to the serious flaws in the Waxman-Markey bill.
- Read about how the bill affects the power of the EPA to act.
- Read our letter to the Ways and Means Committee (pdf) asking them to take legislative action.
- Read the statement we released with allies after the bill was passed out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
- Watch a video of Friends of the Earth's Erich Pica discussing the bill. Watch a video of the Friends of the Earth staff explaining the various weaknesses of the bill.
- Read our letter of our concerns to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
- The international implications of the bill.
- Michelle Chan's testimony to the Ways and Means Committee on subprime carbon and the report.
- Our statement on the deeply flawed US CAP proposal (which subsequently became the blueprint for the house climate bill).
Waxman-Markey Data
- The bill's allocations of pollution permits and subsidies in graphs and charts
- Our analysis of how the bill allocates pollution permits from 2012 to 2050
- Our analysis of how the bill allocates pollution permits in the year 2012
- Our analysis of how the bill allocates pollution permits in the year 2020
- Our analysis of how the bill allocates pollution permits in the year 2050