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농업과 기후변화: 진짜 문제, 잘못된 해결책

Agriculture and climate change:
Real problems, false solutions

Preliminary report by
Econexus, Biofuelwatch, Grupo de Reflexion Rural
and NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark

by Helena Paul, Almuth Ernsting, Stella Semino, Susanne Gura & Antje Lorch

September 2009

This is an updated draft version of a report whose final version will be published before 
the Climate Change Conference COP15 in Copenhagen, December 2009

Contact in Bangkok:  Susanne Gura mobile: +49 177 669 1400 email: gura@dinse.net

Contact in the UK: Helena Paul phone: +44 207 431 4357 email: h.paul@econexus.info
Almuth Ernsting phone: +44 122 432 4797 email: almuth@ernsting.wanadoo.co.uk 
Online at http://www.econexus.info

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Where we have got to in negotiations?
3. Carbon Trading Proposals for Agriculture
4. Does no-till agriculture reduce carbon emissions?
5. Biochar: What can we expect from adding charcoal to the soil?
6. Industrial livestock production: Intensification is not an option
7. What are the climate implications of grabbing 'marginal land'?
8. Can genetic engineering and the new “bioeconomy” provide solutions to climate change?
9. Towards an Alternative Vision
