기후 비상/Global News 썸네일형 리스트형 새로운 지구적 기후기금을 향해 Towards a Global Climate Fund December 10, 2008 · By IFG Climate Strategy Working Group and Janet Redman Over 160 citizen groups call for the establishment of a major new Global Climate Fund. In a world long plagued by poverty, the climate crisis is now terrifyingly urgent. We, the undersigned groups and organizations, understand that to meet these crises, the global community will have to rapid.. 더보기 <Scientific American> REDD 논쟁 Scientific American Magazine - August 27, 2009 Conflicted Conservation: When Restoration Efforts Are Pitted against Human Rights Saving Earth might mean trampling indigenous societies By Madhusree Mukerjee Even as industrial civilization reaches into the farthest corners of the globe to extract resources such as oil, timber and fish, environmentalists are striving to mitigate its deleterious eff.. 더보기 석유를 땅 속에 남겨두는 것에 대한 보상 Paying to keep oil in the ground Should the world pay Ecuador not to extract oil? President Rafael Correa's argument makes perfect economic sense Kevin Gallagher guardian.co.uk Friday, August 7, 2009 18.00 BST Ecuador's President Rafael Correa is often dismissed as a radical leftist. Such has been the response to his proposal that the world pay him not to extract oil from Yasuni National Park in.. 더보기 드 보어 UN 사무총장, 기후변화 합의 '이르지 못할 것' 경고 UN chief warns the world 'will not make it' to agreement on climate change 유엔 기후변화협약 사무총장 이보 드 보어는 지구온난화를 막기 위한 세계적 합의에 대해 "지금과 같은 행보로는 이르지 못할 것"이라고 경고했다. The UN's climate change chief Yvo de Boer has warned the world will "will not make it at this rate" to come to an agreement on how to tackle global warming. By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent Published: 7:08PM BST 14 Aug 2009 Yvo de Boe.. 더보기 기후에너지 정의에 대한 지구의벗의 입장(요약) Attached is a summary of cje positions agreed since 2007, in castellano and english. (각각 영어와 스페인어 버전입니다) 더보기 기후정의를 위한 아시아 민중의 연대 Asian Peoples’ Solidarity for Climate Justice Day of Action 9am to 12 noon, October 5 2009 Bangkok Thailand The Asian Peoples' Solidarity for Climate Justice was formed to prepare the civil society program in parallel with the United Nations climate talks, 28 September to 9 October 2009, Bangkok. In addition to a dynamic and extensive schedule of events, we invite you to participate in peaceful .. 더보기 Stop! 기후변화협약이 선로를 벗어나고 있다! Friday, 03 July 2009 Via Campesina Call to mobilise for a Cool Planet – Copenhagen December 2009 Don't trade off Peasant's agriculture for rights to pollute While scientific predictions of climate catastrophe continue to grow, world leaders will gather in Copenhagen on 7-18 December 2009 for the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The solutions being discussed by the U.. 더보기 본(Bonn) 기후회의에 대한 정치적 평가(지구의벗) FOEI Political Assessment Bonn II (Friday 12 June 2009) What we needed to happen in Bonn for the negotiations to move forward: 1. Movement on the Bali Action Plan to tackle the oustanding implementation deficits by rich industrialised nations, including action on meeting the targets (based on the science) and finance, technology, and adaptation. 2. The Kyoto Protocol process - on the 2nd commitm.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음